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Gavin free gay pride shoes

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Starbucks is matching donations to Lady Gaga’s ‘Born This Way’ Foundation through June 30, committing up to $250,000.

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Cindy Hensley McCain’s Anheuser-Busch beer distributorship celebrates and donates “this month and all year long” with a “ P our with PRIDE campaign.” Ikea is flying the Pride flag at all of its locations. Disney is onboard with the Rainbow Disney collection, offering more than 50 products, including Mickey Mouse ears for toddlers. You’ll be cheered to know that Absolut Vodka has brought back its rainbow bottle in celebration as did Smirnoff. Below, we’ve compiled a (not complete) list of retailers, restaurants and other companies with Pride offerings benefiting LGBT nonprofits like GLAAD, GLSEN, The Trevor Project and the It Gets Better Foundation.” “But just because you see a rainbow shirt in the window, doesn’t mean the store is giving back. Newsweek magazine, which became an on-line only edition in 2012 as ad revenues fell, devotes its E-edition to celebrating LGBT/Gay Pride and lists 50+ brands and companiesthat are onboard “celebrating inclusion, equality and love for LGBT Pride month.”

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